Campus Police & Security - (919) 209-2111

Campus Security - After Hours Cell (after 5pm) and Weekends (919) 795-2381

The College administration attempts to provide a safe, secure educational environment for all students and employees.  Police and security officers are on duty during classes and on weekends.  Since July 2010, Johnston Community College and the Town of Smithfield have maintained a written agreement, assigning sworn law enforcement officers to JCC’s main campus.  These uniformed officers are armed and have full powers of arrest.  Their role is to help create a peaceful campus environment by carrying out the responsibilities of certified law enforcement officers, to include, but not be limited to, the investigation of alleged criminal offenses, deterrence of criminal behavior, and furnishing guidance to faculty, staff, and students on law-related issues and ethical concepts.

The College also maintains a contract with Martin Edwards & Associates, Inc. to provide uniformed security officers on the main campus and off-campus centers, including the Johnston County Workforce Development Center, Cleveland Center, and Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center, as-needed.  These officers have been trained and authorized by the North Carolina Private Protective Services Bureau to provide unarmed security services for JCC. Their duties include, but are not limited to, routine foot and vehicle patrol, securing campus buildings, parking enforcement, and security coverage at special events, on and off campus.  Depending on the nature and location of a special event, the College may also employ off-duty law enforcement coverage by the Smithfield Police Department and/or Johnston County Sheriff’s Office.

These police and security officers make up JCC’s Campus Police and Security Department, which also includes the Security/Telecommunications Officer and Director of Campus Security. All members of the Campus Police and Security Department routinely work with local and state law enforcement agencies. The Campus Police and Security Department reports directly to the Associate Vice President of Operations.