Johnston Community College Foundation
The College Foundation is established and operated as a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation subject to the provision of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and G. S. 55A-1-01 et seq. of the laws of the state of North Carolina. The College Foundation exists as per the authority of the Board of Trustees of Johnston Community College which established the College Foundation in 1982. It is administered as an independent board of directors who serve voluntarily and without compensation.
The College Foundation and its board members coordinate private giving to the College – identifying, receiving, and managing gifts, bequests, and financial resources from private and corporate sources.
The College Foundation is a well-established, viable, and secure nonprofit organization serving current, past, and future students; faculty and staff; and indeed the entire community.
Steered by dedicated business, civic, and public leaders, the College Foundation provides a means for local and regional community-based citizens to take an active role in promoting the future of Johnston Community College and assuring its continued success.
To build partnerships and resources for educational opportunities.
The Foundation is the respected leader in accelerating enhanced resources to the College.
Embodies the values of Johnston Community College with a focus on Stewardship, Honesty, Integrity, Community, and Respect through all partnerships.