SECU Foundation Bridge to Career Program Funds Scholarships for Workforce Development Students

Published: October 30, 2023

JCC received another $18,000 in funding this year to award scholarships to students enrolled in Workforce Continuing Education program.

Bridge to Career Recipients

Pictured (L to R): Kim Robertson, Associate Vice President of Public Safety; Travis Harris (Clayton), Fire Cadet and Scholarship Recipient; Jorrell Ruffin (Selma), BLET Cadet and Scholarship Recipient; Vic McCormick, Vice President of Continuing Education; Dr. Vern Lindquist, JCC President; Ashley Littleton / SECU Smithfield.

The State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Foundation’s Bridge to Career Program has awarded $18,000 for Johnston Community College (JCC) to distribute to students enrolled in workforce continuing education programs.

The SECU Foundation established the Bridge to Career program in 2018 to help remove financial barriers for students seeking to obtain state-regulated or industry-recognized credentials.

Last year, eligibility requirements for the SECU Bridge to Career Program were adjusted to better support North Carolina’s goal to have two million working-age North Carolinians earn a postsecondary credential by 2030. JCC has awarded 18 out of the 30 Bridge to Career scholarships available this year.  

“This funding helps students enrolled in programs which do not qualify for other financial aid,” says Vice President of Continuing Education Vic McCormick.

“These programs and the credential they provide fuel the regional and statewide workforce,” McCormick adds.


SECU Scholarships Recipients


Pictured (L to R): Travis Harris (Clayton), Fire Cadet and Scholarship Recipient; Jorrell Ruffin (Selma), BLET Cadet and Scholarship Recipient; Ashley Littleton / SECU Smithfield

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