Principles of Excellence

On April 27, 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13607 establishing the Principles of Excellence for educational institutions service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members. Johnston Community College is committed to compliance with the principles by:

Providing students with a personalized summary of the total cost of an education program.

  • JCC provides all perspective students with information to help them understand the total cost of their education including Cost of Attendance and Net Price Calculator. Shopping Sheets are also available through Self-Service for students who are currently enrolled and have applied for financial aid.  Other students using VA Education Benefits may contact the Veteran Affairs Coordinator in the Financial Aid Office for Shopping Sheet information.

Providing educational plans for Military and Veteran education beneficiaries.

  • Each student who applies for admission and supplies the college with prior transcripts and/or documentation of prior learning experiences, will have an official evaluation completed prior to admission. JCC Student Success Advisors and/or Faculty Advisors meet with all incoming students to develop an educational plan. In addition, each semester the student is required to meet with the advisor for guidance and assistance on the educational plan.

Informing students who are eligible to receive Veterans education benefits of the availability and potential eligibility of Federal financial aid before packaging or arranging private student loans or alternative financing programs.

Ending fraudulent and aggressive recruiting techniques and misrepresentation, payment of incentive compensation, and failure to meet State authorization requirements, consistent with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. 

  • JCC does not, and has never, conducted fraudulent, high pressure, or aggressive recruiting on or off military installations or in any other venue, nor do we misrepresent ourselves, our programs, or our mission. We do not pay incentive compensation, commission, or bonuses to anyone for recruiting actions. We meet all State authorization requirements consistent with those issued by the Department of Education.

Providing accommodations for Service Members and Reservists absent due to service requirements.

  • Students called up to military service should submit a copy of the military service order to the Veteran Affairs Coordinator in the Financial Aid Office. If service occurs after the last day to drop without grade penalty, students should request a late withdrawal so no punitive grade will be received. The student may request an incomplete and follow the incomplete procedure outlined in the College Catalog.
  • If the military student was unable to notify the Veterans Affairs Coordinator prior to their departure for military service, the Coordinator will work with the appropriate College offices to correct grades, etc. once the military student provides the documentation of military service. Any student who has been admitted to one of the competitive health science programs should also contact the director and health science navigator for readmission to the program upon completion of the service requirement.
  • The college will readmit a qualifying service member into the next class or classes in the program beginning after they provide notice of intent to reenroll unless the readmission requirements are not met as is outlined in Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook. 

Designating a Point of Contact for academic and financial advising, including access to disability counseling.

  • The Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator has been designated as the point of contact. Her contact information is Renee Underwood at (919) 209-2063 or, Wilson Building, C1028. The VA Coordinator will refer students to other College offices as needed for specific issues.
  • Lindsey Parnell, Accounts Receivable Specialist - Curriculum, is the designated point of contact for the Military Tuition Assistance program. Her contact information is (919) 209-2515 or, Wilson Building C1104.

Ensuring accreditation of all new programs prior to enrolling students.

Aligning institutional refund policies with those under Title IV, which governs the administration of federal student aid programs.