Medical Terminology

This course is an introduction to the study of the structure of medical words and terms. Emphasis is placed on spelling and defining commonly used prefixes, suffixes, root words, their combining forms, and body organization. Program content covers the basic human anatomy and physiology for all systems, laboratory medicine, pharmacology, elements of medical terms and names of major diseases, including terms used in physical exams, operative procedures and diagnosis.


Two matching government ID Cards (Photo driver's license/social security card)

Estimated Program Cost

Tuition - $185.00
Books - $143.51 plus tax

Click on the Course Name to register

More Information

First contact:

Lori Collier
Administrative Assistant to Nurse Aide Programs
Elsee Building A116

If no reply within 24 hours:

Connie H. Grady
Department Chair of Health Education and Nurse Aide Programs
Elsee Building A163
(919) 464-2355