Apprenticeships and Internships
Caterpillar Pre-Apprenticeship Program (PDF)
The Caterpillar Assembly Pre-apprenticeship program is an 18-month program in Clayton,
North Carolina that prepares high school students for employment in a manufacturing
assembly environment.
High school students accepted into the assembly pre-apprenticeship program will take
free CCP manufacturing-related classes at Johnston Community College (13 credit hours),
as well as receive on-the-job training at Caterpillar (640 hours).
For program information please contact:
Caterpillar Inc.
954 NC Hwy 42 East
Clayton, NC 27527
How to apply:
Interested candidates for Caterpillar's Assembly pre-apprentice program should obtain
and complete an application from their school's Career Development Coordinator and
submit the completed application by the due date indicated on the application.
Jenna Payton
(919) 550-1345
Career & College Promise Program
Johnston Community College
Contact your school's Career Development Coordinator for further details.