Need Help ?
When logging into the Self-Service portal, please make sure your Caps Lock is turned off and only enter your Username (user names are the first part of your email address.)
This document offers more information if you are new to the Self-Service Login (PDF)
What can you do in Self-Service
- Make a payment
- Set up a payment plan
- Consent to receive your 1098 T Forms electronically
If you cannot pay your balance in full, set up a payment plan, or secure financial
aid by due dates per the Academic Calendar your courses will be dropped.
ATTENTION CAREER AND COLLEGE PROMISE (CCP) STUDENTS: Your payment deadlines differ from traditional students. You will receive a billing
notification by email regarding payment. Please do not pay until you receive this
Refunds will be disbursed in accordance to the refund preference you chose online through BankMobile Disbursements. Visit our JCC's Refund Policy page for refunds and disbursements here.
Student Refunds: January 31st
Financial Aid Refunds: February 14th